7 Simple Techniques to Speed up Team Growth – TEAM AIM GO




Lets Play TAG!

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Remember playing TAG as a kid? Maybe you called the game, HAD, stuck in the mud, IT.


TAG is played by a group of kids as individuals working as a TEAM, it's energetic, fast moving, simple and FUN.


When I watch my kids and their friends play TAG I love how they call out to each other, "watch out", "this way", they inspire each other and protect each other.


Often when other kids see the fun they'll ask, "Can we play?" the rules are explained and they often help the newbie till they've mastered the game!


That's what TARGETS should be in salons and spas.


Individual, and team based, supportive, energetic, fast moving and FUN! And Newbies are always looked after till they've mastered the game. 

17412_1089873897706436_6142590825946283136_nI'm Caroline Turner, founder of The Salon Money Maker and for over 20 years I've been supporting salon and spa owners to develop high performance teams. 

I also share revenue focused techniques, in the Revenue Newsletter, so do remember to signup so you don't miss out.

In this article, I'm going to cover some simple techniques that support business growth using Team and Individual Targets. A better way to play TAG! 



But first, I cover in my book why money focused targets DON'T work for many team members, I explain how 2 client focused targets can increase revenue dramatically

So I am not repeating the information on targets and making this post VERY LONG, I would strongly recommend downloading the book, its free, I'm giving it to you.


When a business owner knows the key mistakes that others are making it gives them the opportunity to prevent these loss making errors.


For this article I want to focus on how to play TAG, how to use targets with a team to make targets a positive experience, that's fun.


I will refer to CPS and CSC;

The Complete Professional Service and Client Score Card

for information on these CLIENT focused targets you will need the book. 

Large Money Targets 

Large money focused targets CAN FEEL for many team members like climbing a money mountain, and the bigger the mountain (figure) the quicker they’ll give up. "I CAN’T", and progress, revenue growth can STOP dead!


A stalled business (low or no growth) can in part, be caused by the team and how an owner works with the team, the training plan and how targets are set.

When client focused targets are used such as CPS and CSC it allows team members to climb the money mountain without realizing, it makes it feel easy.

cable car


Team members can then climb the financial mountain, enjoying their success and reaching the top of the mountain quicker.

The quicker the team researches the top, the quicker the business makes money. 



Because money focused targets don't work for certain staff I recommend client focused targets, which also works with the Salon / Spa Paradox.  

The Salon / Spa Paradox

When you focus on the money and not the client, you don’t make money. But when you focus on the client and forget the money, it rolls in with ease



7 Simple Techniques to Speed up Team Growth 


1 - Re-focus on a team target

If a high % of the team is missing their individual target then why keep aiming at something few are hitting? 

Focus to a team based target, whether client or revenue based. 

There’s a psychology shift in behavior when teams no longer compete against each other, or are made to work alone.

The focus shifts to a unit, teama team.

Over the years, when I've worked with under performing businesses and have focused to TEAM TARGETS, I'll see a change in behavior, the team start helping each other, offering encouragement, ideas to help those struggling. They start to mentor each other, it’s a different focus;


In the science of human behaviour, it's to do with Cave dweller thinking (the reptilian brain), most humans have an inbuilt need to be feel part of a team, its the tribe effect.

We find safety in numbers and enjoyment in being part of a movement. For a salon or spa to be successful financially developing a team culture is key.

A team target offers under performers and new staff the safety of others, and for top performers the opportunity to mentor. 


If the majority of the team are missing targets individually, or an owner wants a team culture then focus the attention to a combined figure and go TEAM TARGET.

The individual target is kept, as long as its achievable and realistic. But the owner or manger will focus to The Team Target with incentives, rewards and the morning meetings all linked to the TEAM AIM. The focus is about the team working together. 



2 - Its Count down!

As I describe in my book, large targets can feel like climbing a mountain, the money mountain. So, how can I make that journey FEEL easy, so come the end of the week and the final push to hit the target it's exciting, fast and fun? Count down.



It's like airlifting the team to the top of the mountain, going downhill is easier!

This system works in both individual AND team figure based targets.


For example, if the Weekly target is £/$1,000 for a team member, Tuesday they do £/$150, that leaves, £/$850 TO GO, Wednesday £/$200, £/$650 TO GO.


As the team member reaches the last section of the week, generally the busier days, the figure appears smaller, the point is to create the "I CAN do that". So, Thursday £/$300, £/$350 TO GO.


At this point the MOMENTUM should really start to kick in, just like running downhill, 2 days and only £/$170 from each day.


The POINT; As the target gets smaller it feels easier "£/$ 170 a day? I can easily do that".


Whilst the target is the same (£/$1000), making the target seem smaller just makes it feel achievable.



Start the week with the FULL target and allow it to shrink as the week goes on, as the figure appears smaller in the mind of many team members it FEELS easier. 



3 - The TO GO chart

I've used this method for 20 years, it's a very SIMPLE chart either on a white board or paper in a staff only area.


Each team member must complete the information at the end of a shift, which yes, can and will need reminding and support, BUT also flexibility. If a team has stayed late, then they can complete the form in the morning, for example. 


Whilst computer systems could do this for you, and some team members may resistance change, it takes no more then 1-2 minutes. It's a written form, because I want physical action. As the person writes, they activate different parts of their brain. They're more aware of the figure, their performance. I want the team to think for themselves. 

Why use a team chart?


1 - The team starts communicating and supporting each other



Countless times I've heard as the team completes the chart "I'm struggling, what can I do..." "you're having a great week, how'd you do it..." "why don't you try..." "work next to me tomorrow and you can listen to what I say...".


As the team starts to support each other it allows young, new and under performing staff to have a safe place to ask for help. Its about the pleasure pain principle, originated by Sigmund Freud in modern psychoanalysis. 


The principle is we humans seek out pleasure but we avoid preserved pain!


Regardless of how owners or managers try and have an "open door" policy and be approachable for those young, new and under performers going to the "boss" and asking for help or admitting I'm struggling can be preserved as painful! How will they react? Will they shout at me? What if they think I can't do my job, will they fire me?


Whilst the form is very simple, its effect can be very deep. Having a safe place to speak with someone who holds no authority can allow people to ask for help, advise and support. For senior members they too can gain pleasure and feed their ego as they mentor other team members its the effect of the pleasure and gratitude principles.  


2 - IF s/he can do it, I can do it!

Seeing others achieving their personal target can motivate others to do more, they can see it is possible. In behavioral terms, I want to get as many "I CAN" as possible. 

As Henry Ford put it, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.”

For the business to grow financially it needs a team of people believing it CAN, seeing others achieve results helps to focus team members who want to do more.

"If he can do it, I can do it" 


3 - If a team member is slacking seeing others hitting higher figures can be the nudge they need

"I better do more, I'm the only one...". If a person has a mental money barrier such as "people round here don't spend" or has got stuck in negative thinking, just seeing that others are doing more can be the nudge they need.


The target's NOT impossible and seeing the evidence (others figures) in front of them, can pick them up, shut them up, or open their eyes to the possibility.  


If they are a negative thinker and speaker in the team, it can also help to shut them down and reduce their influence. After all, if they're the only one not growing and achieving results suddenly it can be easier for other team members to see the person in their true colors.



If they want to be part of the team (Cave dweller thinking), they'll have to improve. When a team works together, they don't tolerate slackers!  

With team focus and incentives, training and realistic targets in place, they'll either turn the corner and grow, leave or find themselves in more serious meetings leading to disciplinary action, in line with employment law.   


4 - The best end of day phase, "can you pass me a colored pen please"

In 20 years, with every team, I've NEVER told anyone to use a different colored pen, ever. But as soon as anyone has hit their target or gone over, a different colored pen is used.

color-penIts the personal "look at me", I've done it. They buzz, and their personal confidence grows, especially if they still have a day or more to go.

That colored pen stands out to the whole team and in my experience starts to speed up the whole team - If she can do it... I better do more... and one by one more colored pens are used.


Those that have past the target, buzz, which feeds positive energy into the whole team.

If the owner is focused to a TEAM target, then those over target will start to encourage the others as the week draws to a close, especially if there's a team record, incentive or bonus to win.

Its the momentum of going down hill!



Introduce a count down - TO GO chart. Every salon or spa owner will need to carefully consider and plan how to introduce anything new, change can be a challenge for some people. 

Will there be resistance? Possibly. Each person will have to make the effort to complete the form at the end of each shift. The owner, manager or reception team will need to be consistent and support the team for a few weeks until it becomes an automatic habit. 


4 - I never set targets! 



childAdults don't like being TOLD what to do! Kids get TOLD what to do because they have no or little choice, but adults are different.

Its about respect and working together. The choice any adult has is to either agree to the action or take the focus "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME" and they're right!


Which is why I NEVER set targets. I want the team member to tell me what they're going to do.

I will discuss the target, or advice the team member if I think the target is too big, but I don't set the figure. In fact, I always tell team members as long as the targets £/$1 or 1% (CPS) more, I'm happy! and once the team member is happy, that's our target.


The target MUST be realistic, and IS NOT linked to their contract revenue requirement, or wage structure. 


If as an example a team member is currently achieving £/$900 or 75% CPS a week, then I want £/$901 or 76%, they may decide OK, £/$901 or 76%, that's MY target, or they can decide to increase the target £/$935 for example, great, that's progress with commitment. 

But if they said "I'll do £/$1,350, 95% CPS" then I'm going to advice and discuss the figure.


I want to get small wins, which will spend up progress. If they set a BIG target, then there's a risk of failure, it will be hard work, and they may give up "I can't". 


Here's the point, with training in place, and team support I know they'll do MORE then £/$901, so they WIN. 


brain-2They get to enjoy the win, causing a chemical releases in the brain which speeds up progress, its the dopamine effect.


Dopamine is the "feel-good" hormone, it increases focus, improves short-term memory, gives a feeling of elation, and makes us bolder and willing to take risks.



That's why I only ask for £/$1 or 1% I'm going to make sure they SMASH the figure, I want them to win. Their confidence in their ability increases and we can set a new target. 


"Brilliant week, you hit £/$1,027 or 82% CPS, great job, you works so hard, thank you. Let's set the new target!"


With the new target set this becomes the TO GO TARGET and is combined to form the TEAM TARGET.


Yes, I may need the person to hit £/$2,500 but if I set that as the target, I'm setting the team member up to fail. Its not realistic.


I need small wins, building the person, plus, TRAINING and SUPPORT to get to the BIG figure fast. 


Resetting a new figure takes only one or two minutes AND over time, team members can reset their target themselves. Its achievable, realistic and moves them closer to the end goal, a descent wage and profitable salon.   


This system is all about getting commitment from team members, I want to hear from them "I will do", and when they hit the target they achieve a small win, rather then a BIG fail! 


Review the current targets, are they realistic and achievable NOW. Do they allow the feel good effect which builds team members confidence by achieving small wins.

To improve commitment to growth consider the benefits to allowing individuals to be involved with target setting. 

Give the team the WIN





5 - Personal Best and Salon Records




Every athlete has a personal best, they know the records, so why shouldn't a salon or spa team? 



For me high up on the staff room wall was a very special place. The team and individual personal best. As well as, the salon or spa record, plus each departments records (hair / beauty).   


I'm looking for every small win I can get for the team.


I want the pleasure, dopamine hit, to increase focus, improve memory, feel elation and bolder (confidence). 


What I specifically like about this simple technique is this;


New, young and under performing staff with training and support will be up dating this chart regularly.  


Its announced in the TAG daily meeting with a cheer and encouragement from others, its linked to incentives. I want to continue the BOOST effect to build momentum. 


For higher performance team members they'll have to work harder to bet their PB, but that's OK.


I want to encourage and reward those that I can grow quickly to increase the WHOLE salon or spa's revenue. 


The salon record whether a financial figure, CPS or CSC is something very special just like world records in sport.


As soon as a salon or spa owner can see the week is on track to hit the salon / spa record or a individual PB it becomes a great tool to ask for more without talking about MONEY. 


It's important to remember;

Clients love to buy, and would like to spend more, BUT hate being sold too

The same is true for many team

They love to advise clients, but hate to sell to clients

So owners need a way to drive sales without being sales focused


"We're on track to smash the record for CPS, final push people then the beers are on me"





Have a team discussion, remember adults don't like being TOLD what's happening.


The point is to celebrate achievements as individuals or as a team, and link records to incentives and positive reinforcement. 


Team daily / weekly re-book record

Team retention record

Complete Professional Service %

Client Score Card

Weekly revenue Individual (PB), department and team


There's lots of records that can be smashed and celebrated.




6 - Incentives and Positive Reinforcement


happy2I've heard over the years business owners say "its their job, people today expect rewards for everything".

Whilst there is an element of truth in this kind of statement, it's also important to know, incentives and positive reinforcement SPEEDS UP development, success is quicker, BUT only if incentives are done right.


The point is to reward the behavior wanted in the business, "I want" an increase in CPS, CSC, team work, communication, and revenue.


Using positive reinforcement encourages people to want to repeat the behavior. And that's KEY in team development and revenue.




In brain terms, I want the new skill or behavior to become automatic, I want high performance.


I reward to encourage the person to repeat the skill or behavior. The reward hits the pleasure center, dopamine, which is linked to short term memory, speeding up development, this is key. 



When learning something new, a skill or behavior it's hard work for the brain.


foodThe brain consumes a large amount of energy, about 20% of our daily intake.

So eat 1,300 Kcal and the brain take 260 Kcal just to function.

When learning something new the brain needs more energy, so the brain will put repeated behavior on autopilot. We don't have to think anymore, we just do it. 

I want CPS, CSC, skills from my training, hitting targets to become automatic, teams just do it.



If I reward the positive behavior with something people want, the brain will release that happy hormone (Dopamine) and that helps speed up development.


But when there's no dopamine released, the person forgets, and owners can end up frustrated feeling like a parrot repeating the same message over and over again.



Over the last 20+ years, parents and teachers have learnt this method of speeding up the development of children with rewards. From stickers, treats, certificates, the list is endless.


Now we have a generation of young people who have spent the last 16-17 years (autopilot habit) being rewarded for doing a good job.


However, it is also important to remember that businesses have also been using the same method for much longer. From financial bonuses, rewards, competitions, employee of the month and prizes to name a few.


If an owner wants to speed up development then incentives and positive reinforcement is a tool that can be used.


But just like targets, an owner CAN NOT set incentives.


I've seen and heard many times over the years owners speak of their frustration that an incentive isn't working or worse thinking the team is SO ungrateful, purely because THEY, the owner chose the reward.



An owner can not decide, "we're going to X hair show, I'll buy the tickets" or "sell XYZ and win Yoga lessons".

In both these types of situations the assumption is I love this, so will you.

In the first example, whilst the show maybe AMAZING and inspire the owner, it may do nothing for the team. 

With the Yoga example, if the team has no interest in this reward there'll be NO effort to win, in fact if they REALLY don't want to win the reward it may even backfire and reduce revenue.

Setting any reward, benefit, or trip is a team discussion, either with the owner or without, following 3 simple rules

  1. Somethings are impossible - They want David Beckham sweeping the  floor in skimpy shorts once a month, not gonna happen
  2. Somethings will need to be considered, budgeted and planned - Weekend in Ibiza for the whole team
  3. Somethings can be done - win an hour pass, extra time off on selected days


Whilst David Beckham maybe impossible, I know salons who have gone with full year incentive, with grand prizes such as a car, holiday, even a full team weekender in Ibiza.

And yes, one Saturday the team arrived for work with their suitcases and by midnight they were in Ibiza!


There's SO many ways to inspire and reward people, incentives are worked for, but realistic, remember to support the little wins. Big incentives will need careful planing and a clear budget.




Brainstorm the team for ideas of rewards, incentives, and recognition awards.

What would they work to get? What would they enjoy?

Team player of the week (voted for by the team and or clients), best improved, acts of kindness reward, Extra hour / day off, service voucher for a friend or family, phone card, Visa gift card to spend on what they want, a team trip, the list is endless. 


The focus is to give teams or individuals hits of that happy hormone, because it speeds up development. Recognizing the small wins to get a big result.  


7 - The TAG Meeting


The Daily Meeting




Its just a few minutes everyday, without fail.


Daily appointment page and client cards issued for CPS and notes so team members don't need to be at reception.


Its the LETS DO THIS PEOPLE, what's TO GO on the TEAM TARGET, who's close to their PB, a major focus to the CSC target. It's a TAG meeting, ENERGETIC, QUICK, Simple and fun .

Team - Aim (the focus) - Go  



It's a very good responsibility (over time) to delegate the meeting, so its not the owner or manager EVERYDAY, saying the same thing everyday! 

Its quick, to the point, focused to informing teams of what needs to happen, and inspire a team to be ready.

Clients want to have fun, have a pleasurable experience so the TAG meeting is all about getting the mind ready to enjoy the day. 


Its a TAG meeting 



Plan the morning meeting to focus and inform the team and over time delegate to other team members. Keep It SHORT and SIMPLE - KISS


Put the pieces together...

That kids game, TAG, fast moving, energetic played by individuals working as a team, having FUN!


That's what targets need to be, realistic, easy to achieve, small wins celebrated so it feels easy and has momentum.


Client focus targets such as Complete Professional Service (CPS) and The Client Score Card (CSC) are in my opinion and experience far more effective then money focused targets for many team members.


The 7 simple techniques to speed up team growth


1 - If targets are being missed or an owner wants a team culture, focus on TEAM targets


2 - Count down, make the target get smaller, it feels easier


3 - Use a chart to allow everyone to see progress, it can have a deep impact


4 - Adults don't like being told what to do, let individuals commit to a target by setting the target


5 - Celebrate any and every small win with personal bests and records, look for hits of the happy hormone to speed up growth


6 - Link progress and the behavior wanted to incentives, recognition, and rewards


7 - The daily TAG meeting, get the team ready for action


Lets Play Tag! 


If you know someone else in the industry who would benefit from this article be sure to send them the link

and remember to sign up to the book to learn more about Client focused targets;

Complete Professional Service and Client Score Card

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