How to get MORE client referrals easily!

A lovely lady asked about client referrals, so here is 2 simple techniques to get MORE client referrals.

Watch the video or carry on reading.

Friends and family referrals really is the most powerful marketing. People we trust. We know they would NEVER send us to a restaurant, holiday resort and of course a salon or spa that wasn't any good.

Getting our clients to market the business is not only low in cost but more effective then any advert or promotion.

BUT how do we get clients to do some work for us?

Let me tell you... and no need for complex systems!


Step 1 - Do the client a favour!


Pick which client carefully first.

If I know this client is just the sought of person I want in my chair or treatment room then I want her friends and family BECAUSE there's a high chance they'll be a like minded person.

Then do him or her a favour. We're using a technique based on reciprocation, when someone does something nice or special for use we feel indebted to return the favour.

Whether you give the client a free treatment that can be tagged onto the service already booked, costing a small amount in stock and ideally no added time. Or bring in some plastic pots to give the client some products (watch the video where I explain).

"Mrs Jones, you know what (pause), I'm going to spoil you today. I'm going to us / add (service). It's normally £/$X but I'm giving it to you today." 

Step 2 - The Magic Word and Friend Offer / Promotion

As we head to the end of the service at reception remind the client of the gift, causally IF you can.

"Mrs Jones, I'm so glad I gave you that treatment, your hair looks amazing its really worked its magic. Do me favour and give these to some friends because I'd love to see them"

It's that simple!


Technique 2 - Ask for something too BIG!

I like to still use the favour, "gift" with this technique BUT it can be done on its own.

At reception ask the client to do something that's BIG or very challenging, in the video I use the example of asking the client to go live on Facebook and tell their friends about their visit.

 I would expect most people to find this request too big, so I'd then suggest something smaller, which the person is then happy to do for me.

This technique needs confidence, the smaller request for example would you take a picture of our friends card and share it on your social media.

Again, its that simple. If you haven't watch the video, its worth the watch as I share how I'd word / say the request.

Give it a go, and share with other salon or spa owners and teams.  The revenue newsletter sign up is below, we never send LOADS of emails BUT if we have something that will make you money we'll share it with you.

Have a fabulous day

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