Improve Team Development – Part 2 Why don't they do what we ask
In this series of articles and Live video's I will be sharing some key habits that leaders can use to improve and develop team performance.
It can be frustrating when we've given a job or a task to a team member only to feel it would be quicker to do it ourselves, those "give it here" moments.
So why can it be hard to get teams to do what we ask?
Well, I'm going to explain a few key points and share a simple communication technique that MAY just give you a "light bulb" moment.
Watch the video below or read on
Whether we want towels folded a certain way, the phone answered a certain way, taking pictures for social media, you name it! We can feel like a parrot saying the same instructions over and over. But why?
Lets start with Habits, if we've been in the industry for years we will have developed habits.
A habit is ANYTHING we can do without thinking, an automatic behavior. From being able to walk, drink from a cup, drive a car, speak, write and of course professional habits like cutting hair or waxing eye brows, anything you and I can do that is EASY is a habit.
We repeat the action, pattern or behavior over a period of time and the brain will program into our subconscious. This is how we do it!
Habits are SO important that our online course has a whole lesson and action plan on how to build habits FAST. We need Client habits, Team habits, how we must work together, with no drama or conflict and then business habits.
So, we have habits of how we work that are automatic to us, make perfect sense to us, are easy to do and of course are the RIGHT WAY which is MY WAY.
But that means we will have train in detail every single habit we have formed over many years or except that teams can build their own habits, with support and I may need to remember
This is important, because when we have habits, let use folding towels as a silly example, when someone doesn't fold them how our brain (the habit) has been programmed, the brain can response as if stressed, agitated and frustrated.
We don't even need to see someone folding the towels to get frustrated! Now I use towels as an example because, yes, I have a specific way I LIKED them to be rolled and stored. And yes, I got frustrated when I saw the towels not folded MY WAY, but I use a technique to get commitment from teams, so I LET IT GO! More on that in the article and video in this series on commitment!
But just as we MAY need to change some of our habits, so may the team.
Every person we hire will have habits either as a young person from their teenage years or from previous employment. Employees will have established habits that we don't like or want in our business.
That's why we can feel like a parrot having to repeat the same message again and again, its hard work for the brain to build new habits and we can NEVER remove old habits!
Research has shown by leading universities it can take between 18 - 254 DAYS to build an automatic behavior, a habit.
So, train, repeat, eat and sleep! But there is something we can do with our communication to help ourselves when giving out jobs and tasks that we want done a certain way.
Specific and Non Specific Communication
Specific described behavior, action, activity that can be seen or heard. It is a clear picture of the behavior, action or activity.
Non Specific behavior or action, activity is something that is an idea, image, opinions, assumptions, or vague present in the mind of another person but open to interpretation by others.
Lets look at some examples, play along, grab a piece of paper and pen. Which of the following are specific or non specific, it can be a real eye opener, give it a go.
Julie has a bad attitude to retailing
Paul is often late to work
Sharon filled out the end of day report
The team is loyal to the salon
The team work hard
Can you clean the reception
The promotion was posted on Facebook
John is an excellent stylist
Julie completed her holiday form
She is lazy
The client completed the form
The targets are on the staff wall
I need the old stock taken off the shelve
Julie asked questions about the promotion
Please fold the towels
Print out the appointment page
When dealing with a complaint Julie is calm
I need you to bleach the cups
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